
Image by Alexa from Pixabay

Whether tornado or earthquake, cellophane’s always there, on the hour, every hour.

When people have pans full o’ cheesy noodles this minute rotting into moldiness, cellophane is there to rush there in their boxy van & slap the protection on.

So if you’re in need o’ cellophane, just call 1-333-2547—that’s 1-333-2547. Our cellophane experts will protect your comestibles in less than 10 minutes or it’s free—& if you can find a cellophane company that can beat our prices, ¡we’ll match them!

¡So just call that #—1-33-2547—to have all o’ your food-preserving needs met! ‘Cause when it’s time for cellophane, ¡it’s cellophane time!


Hour, support, viscose