Courtesy Grandma’s Graphics. Public domain.

1 rainy afternoon, Contessa Canfield, unemployed & hyped up on sugar, though too tired to get up from the couch, gazed @ the flashing TV as a man in a flashy suit spoke to her.

Just reach up & press “Yes” — yes, just reach right up & press that button, & you’ll get a chance to be a whole person, full o’ energy, passion, popularity, & the technical & practical knowledge to become a world-builder, Contessa Canfield.

Cantessa’s droopy eyelids rose as she struggled to rise herself, despite her aching back & head that felt like a burnt egg.

& then the commercial ended & she was lost ’gain in Judge Joffrey presiding o’er 2 homely, beligerent people arguing o’er a dent in one’s minivan.


winner, application, television